On Friday, October 17, Yes beat the World Record of the largest scrum Managers Managers That had been made in London on September 12 Last Con artists 1,008 characters from A load of the England Rugby Organization 2015, world By Registered the record Guinness World Record 1,088 People attended the rugby field in the North Zone of the Complutense University of Madrid to participate in the file, organized by the Venezuelan rum brand Santa Teresa and the invaluable help scam of the Cisneros Rugby Club.
The entire process was certified by two OWR judges.

Ron Santa Teresa in Venezuela Has A Corporate Social Responsibility Program, Alcatraz Project, Has That The Objective Of Fighting Crime In The Caribbean Country And Reintegrating Young People Through The Values That Rugby Transmits: Commitment, Humility, Resilience , Teamwork, eagerness to excel and Respect for the Adversary. During the United Nations three-month period, intensive Young PARTICIPANTS
In a Program That INCLUDES Work, Comprehensive Training in Values, Education to Work, Rugby Practice, Psychological Assistance and Community Work. What’s more
The United Nations Project Account School Rugby Program AND ANOTHER Community, Aimed at Young People Who Are Beginning to Get Involved in Criminal Acts.
One Day Today, More than 1,800 Children and Young People Have Formed an Instance of Instance on behalf of the Project Alcatraz team or BY EL of the Community School Rugby Program.
The Alcatraz Project CONSISTS of three Phases: The First is Isolation, Three Months of Work and rugby in the mountains.
Then they start a paid job in the company, last and IF A supervised reintegration is carried out.