Fastest Double Everesting on a road bike
From Official World Record we have the pleasure of registering in our databases the feat of the ultra-cyclist Frederik Böna, it is the fastest double Everesting on a road bike in history. Frederik has invested 23 hours: 26 minutes : in crowning the unevenness equivalent to two Mount Everest.In these hours Frederik cycled 402 Kilometers. These event took place on April 10, 2021 when Frederik Böna ascended a circuit with 1,200 meters of elevation gain 20 times on a circuit known to him in his native Germany, the exact accumulated elevation gain of 17,809 meters. During those hours the German cyclist became a true biogenerator, as he generated an average power of 225 watts, reaching peaks of more than 1,700 watts (enough for operate an electric radiator),and spend more than 16.000 calories. To the merit of this feat must be added the fact that it was carried out in times…
The largest number of Penalties Shot in 10 hours
Viernes 3 de noviembre, 2 jueces oficiales de Official World Record se desplazaron a Madrid para validar y certificar un récord del mundo muy especial. Fundación Sanitas, en el marco de la 8a Edición de la Semana del Deporte Inclusivo organizó conjuntamente con OWR el Récord Mundial de Lanzamiento de Penaltis Inclusivo (Durante 10 horas y con portería de Fútbol 7). El número de penaltis lanzados por gente con y sin discapacidad fue de 1644, un magnífico registro que será difícil de superar. El récord se realizó en la emblemática Plaza de Colón, en los Jardines del Descubrimiento de Madrid, España. Donde se montó un auténtico campo de futbol. (Ver vídeos y fotos). Era el colofón para la 8ª Semana del Deporte Inclusivo de la Fundación Sanitas, que terminaba el viernes 3 de noviembre, y concluyó con éxito, y con récord del mundo! (Official World Record). Se logró un nuevo…
The Man who lived the longest in the Space
Who has never dreamed to going into space one day? A Russian spent 879 days in space with 5 missions This is GUENNADI Padalka. After a career as a military pilot, he became a cosmonaut in 1989 and made his first stint in 1998-1999 in the MIR space station. He will then be part of several missions to the International Space Station (ISS) as commander. He broke the record for the longest-living man in space in 2015, 54 years after Yuri Gagarin, the first man to reach space Since then, about 500 men and women have gone into space, 26 have gone to the Moon and 12 of them have set foot there. The women’s record is 665 days, held by Peggy Whitson, American biochemistry researcher and Nasa astronaut (not bad on the CV). She made her first visit in 2002. In 2007 she became the first female captain of…
The longest Line of Moais in the world
OWR certifies that the monument located in Chile , in the north west of Easter Island, called (Ahu Tongaraki), is the line with the longest standing moais in the world. With fifteen moais online and standing, this set is currently unique in monuments of this style. The origin of Easter Island dates from about three million years ago, this was created by volcanic eruptions. It is an island of Chile, located in Polynesia Oceania in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, measuring 163.6 km2, located 3515 km west of Chile. A moái (from rapanui: moai, sculpture) is a monolithic statue located on Easter Island belonging to the Valparaiso region The fifteen moais are restored since on Easter Island there were wars between the tribes that inhabited it and all the moais were shot down. At the entrance of (Ahu Tongaraki) there is a smaller moai which they call the “traveling…
The first Handcycle Marathon in seven South African Countries in 8 days (female)
Official World Record cares about special people. So, it’s a great honor (again!) to collaborate with Elizabeth Sanden, and to register her amazing and new Official World Record. First Handcycle Marathon in Seven South African Countries in 8 days (female). When Sanden suffered a cycling accident back on 2002 and become paraplegic, was never supposed to walk again. But she is a strong person, and with a handcycle, she is completing a lot of marathons all over the world. With the organization Z Adventures, (here can be viewed the results of the 7 marathons in 8 days in 7 african countries, she decided on 2017, to broke another Official World Record, after doing Seven Marathons on Seven Continents and the North Pole Marathon. Via handcycle. First female.
The world’s Fastest French Bulldog
Winston Bolt, Braden Frederick’s precious mascot, has become the fastest French Bulldog in history, this super athlete pulverized the mark it was trying to beat, which was 24.76 mph (40Km/h) by “Django”, leaving the audience dumbfounded. The nice morning of October 3, 2020, it already foreshadowed a laurel wreath on the heads of Winston and Braden. The Olympus of this feat is located at Sweet Water Lane County Park in Spring Valley, California (USA), the objective is that Winston chase a pretended prey, in the form of a remote-controlled car. After the logistics and the first preparations began the runs. The first, which was a contact, by way of warm-up, was exceptionally good. Winston Bolt was extremely motivated and was Record hungry. The second race started and the explosive force was seen from the start, the progression was incredible and any neophyte could already smell a record. The shot from…
The Fastest 100 Digits Subtraction Ever
His name is Rahul Murali Krishnan. He ido from Bangalore, Karnataka, India. He was born on the 31st August, 1996. Was introduced to Abacus at the age of 8 in 2004. As a result of which, developed a passion for numbers. So, he never really had a problem in solving MATH problems from school level up until college as he enjoyed it. Had good teachers who have taught him faster techniques and shortcuts in solving a MATH problem along the way. One of them is Mr. Mohammad Faisal. We would like to thank him for making Rahul aspire to obtain an Official World Record. Rahul watched a show that hosted a world record event. He was hooked onto it from the time he saw it. He then went and started looking up the different world records created by different people on the internet. He was excited, shocked seeing people having…
Reading a Thousand Books in a Thousand Days without interruption
On June 6, 2019, Gabriel Blanco completed the world record of reading a thousand books in a thousand days, having made a daily transmission of the knowledge acquired in each of these books, a feat of discipline and knowledge like no other. On the same day, a live event was held with about a thousand people in Mexico City, to celebrate the challenge and world record of reading a thousand books in a thousand days, since on June 6, episode number one thousand was recorded live. In addition, the diploma-certificate and a trophy were delivered in the same act to Gabriel. The challenge began on September 11, 2016 and ended on June 6, 2019. The challenge of Gabriel Blanco has been to read a thousand books in a thousand days without interruption, having made a daily video on YouTube and Facebook sharing the knowledge of each book, giving his own…
The largest Circuit of the World Training
2,780 participants across 10 venues in British Columbia on April 20, 2012 at 12PM participated in circuit training stations led by instructors. Cowichan Sportsplex City : Duncan Record description: 2,780 participants across 10 venues in British Columbia on April 20, 2012 at 12PM participated in circuit training stations led by instructors. Cowichan Sportsplex City : Duncan
The Largest Diamond
The largest diamond ever discovered is the 3106 carat Cullinan,wich was found near Pretoria in South Africa in the year 1905. It was cut into several polished gems,of wich the two largest , the Greater Star of Africa and the Minor Star of Africa,are among the jewels of the Crown of the Great Britain. Mr Frederick Wells (who found it ) it was not too impressed to find the diamond because he thought it was a crystal . When he realized the real value of his descovery,he understood that the jewel´s weight was too great: having it was dangerous,but selling it was very difficult. Finally,he managed to sell it in 1907 to the Transvaal goverrnment for 150.000 pounds . The Praetorian region wanted to make a nice gift to the British King Edward VII . The size of the gem was extraordinary and cut it was entrusted to the Royal…
The Fastest aggregate time for 12 Marathons on 12 different Caribbean Islands via Handcycle (female)
Official World Record cares about special people. So, it’s a great honor (again!) to collaborate with Elizabeth Sanden, and to register her amazing and new Official World Record. Fastest aggregate time for 12 Marathons on 12 different Caribbean Islands via Handcycle (female). When Sanden suffered a cycling accident back on 2002 and become paraplegic, was never supposed to walk again. But she is a strong person, and with a handcycle, she is completing a lot of marathons all over the world. OWR certifies that from March 8th 2019 and June 7th 2019, Elizabeth Sanden from San Clemente (California), USA. Has done an Official World Record for: Fastest aggregate time for 12 Marathons on 12 different Caribbean Islands via Handcycle (female). Total time: 45 hours, 21 minutes, 51 seconds. Elizabeth Sanden has done the following marathons: Butterfly Island, Guadeloupe on March 8th , time: 04:08:10. O’Neal Webster Marathon, British Virgin Islands…
Marathon under 2 hours in a Test Race
Eliud Kipchoge toured this magical distance at 1:59:40 becoming the first man who goes down 2 hours in that distance. This happened on October 12, 2019 in a circuit for the occasion in Vienna. The uniqueness of this event is that this race was organized with the sole purpose of breaking this record, we could say It was a laboratory run . Eliud Kipchoge has enjoyed a whole technological deployment, the hares, the programming of the race, the car with the laser beam setting the pace, the cyclists who accompany him with the computers to have everything controlled, the marks on the ground so that he does not there is a minimum deviation … all studied, so that the human being can complete a new historical deed. For some of these reasons this record has not been approved by the International Athletics Federation but from Official World Record we consider…
Breaking of pieces of Wood of 6 inches
Adrián Inchauspe, médico jubilado de la medicina pública,batió con su puño un récord que provenía de más de 45 años atrás. Quebró 9 maderas de 3/4 de pulgada cada una, dando un grosor total del paquete de 15.2 centímetros de madera de pino. Este cirujano argentino formado en prestigiosas universidades europeas y que a día de hoy hace de profesor en la Sociedad de Acupuntura Argentina, inició su amor por las artes marciales a la temprana edad de 10 años a consecuencia de un desgraciado secuestro. Se inició con el Yudo allá por el año 1973 en el tatami del Club Ducilo de Berazategui, donde empezó a entrenar con el profesor Nelson Torrenich (4° Dan). Allí siguió casi dos años, hasta que comenzaron las clases de Karate en Ducilo; y a los 12 años fue de los primeros en enrolarse en la práctica del Shorinji Kempo de Tumai y Kobudo…
The concert with the highest Number of Spectators
In 1997, at the 850th anniversary of the city of Moscow, Jean Michel Jarre set a record. During his concert he gathered 3.5 million spectators! The concert was planned for 30,000 people, there were more than 3 million He already held the previous record of 2.5 million spectators at a show in Place de la Concorde in Paris for July 14th. French national holiday. In the middle of the concert, he even allowed himself a direct link with the astronauts present in the space station MIR The show lasted 2 hours and 15 minutes, playing 24 of its sounds and half the population of Moscow, at the time, was present. Jean Michel Jarre is a French musician. He began electronic music in 1969. It impresses very quickly with extraordinary shows links light game and incredible sounds! Always in the desire to integrate local artists into his projects, he plays with…
The largest producer of Hydroelectric Power on the planet
The Itaipú dam is the largest producer of hydroelectric power on the planet. This dam that shares a border between Brazil and Paraguay and whose name, translated from Guaraní (language of the peoples of the area) means sounding stone, is the largest energy generator on our planet. It produced in 2016 more than 103 million megawatts / hour, which is equivalent to supplying a country like Spain for almost a year with electrical energ Itaipu drinks from the waters of the Paraná River, which provides it with 12,000 cubic meters of water per second, with hardly any seasonal variations. It also holds the record for the greatest accumulated energy produced during its 35-year history. This pharaonic work is an accumulation of amazing data. Since its inauguration on May 5, 1984, after an investment of more than 36,000 million dollars, it has not stopped incorporating generating turbines until reaching the current…
6 world records in Marathon Running
Canadian citizens Mekaal Rahim, 10 and Zara Rahim, 11 have broken 6 World Records in marathon running.On March 16th in Canberra, Australia, the siblings crossed the finish line to became the youngest male and female in the world to complete a full marathon on all 7 continents. The previous record for the youngest to complete a full marathon on each continent was held by two Americans (Blanca Ramirez & Nik Toocheck) who were both 12 years old when they completed the 7 continents. Zara managed to achieve the feat at the age of 11 while Mekaal was only a few months past his 10th birthday when he completed the journey. For Zara and Mekaal, the quest to glory started in July 2017 and came to an end 9 month later in Australia. During the course of this record-breaking feat, the siblings spent over 200 hours flying to race locations and…
The tallest Building in the World
THE TALLEST BUILDING IN THE WORLD. The Burj Khalifa Tower with 828 m height is the tallest structure ever made by humans. The construction of this building located in Dubai began on September 21, 2004 and was inaugurated on January 4, 2010. The main architect and responsible for the project was Adrian Smith who has today directed the project of the Jeddha tower which is the tower called to exceed 1000m high. The promoter of this monumental work was Emaar Properties with an estimated investment of more than 1,500 million dollars. The tower has 163 plants that are given various uses: restaurants, hotels, luxury residences, corporate suites and the highest viewpoint in the world located 555m high on the 148th floor. The construction of this involved 12,000 employees from more than 30 countries. The Burj Khalifa is shaped at its flower base, the Hymenocallis, a six-petal white flower typical of…
The greatest number of Records by a 59-year old male in 4 hours
OWR certifies that Paul-Stephen Varszegi, (Trumbull, Connecticut, USA), born on 2-12-1959 has set a new Official World Record for Most World Records by a 59-year old male in 4-Hours. On April 9th, 2018, Paul-Stephen Varszegi, Founder of U.S. Veterans’ Rowing & Kayaking Foundation did 3 world records. The 1st record took place at 5am at LA Fitness on Main Street, Trumbull, Connecticut, 06611 and it was a 50-yard swim underwater with one breath and no fins.The 2nd and 3rd records took place at Maritime Rowing Club at 11 Goldstein Place, Norwalk, Connecticut at approximately 7am and finished at about 8:30am. The 2nd record was Paul standing on his toes a balance Bocu ball for 15-minutes without coming down on his heels or falling off.The 3rd and final record was Paul doing ab crunches on an ab crunch machine with a weight setting of 80lbs. for one (1) full hour without…