The largest number of People sequentially firing Muzzle-load Guns
Les Masies de Voltregà, Osona, Catalunya — On February 4th, 2012, the sequentially firing muzzle-load arms world record was achieved with a total of 210 shots. This event took place by the Holy Sanctuary of La Gleva, located in Les Masies de Voltregà, to commemorate and honor the 120 martyrs of La Gleva who died to defend Catalonia from the spain troops in 1714. Òmnium Cultural responsibles (main sponsor of this event) would like to thank the institutional and citizen support to all these events, and to express their gratitude to all the associations, organizations and individuals who made them possible.The event took place with absolute normality even though the extremely cold outdoor conditions (-12C, 10F). Even with these low temperatures, more than 3.000 people attended the commemoration during all day, and the torchlight march in the evening was specially busy. This historic day for the Voltreganès county finished with…
The largest Percussion Group in the World
Mark’s temperato drum kit weighs two and a half tons and includes 813 individually assembled parts that the Lakeville, NY, resident can get to without taking a step. That’s a world record, according to the folks at OWR, who know about such things. Mark’s temperato drum kit weighs two and a half tons and includes 813 individually assembled parts that the Lakeville, NY, resident can get to without taking a step. That’s a world record, according to the folks at OWR, who know about such things. Temperato, who goes by the name RevM, says he stores the kit – which took him 20 years to complete – at Lakeville’s Breath of Worship Church. The 56-year-old temperate works there. He also plays his massive game there. “I use it to worship God,” he told WTEN in 2011. “We love to get the word of God in a very different way.” At the time, the kit boasted a…