Official World Record are proud to congratulate Talina Lorei and her horse Golden Globe on her achievement of setting a new Official World Record for
“The Most Tricks Performed by a Horse in One Minute”.
Golden Globe, with direction from Talina, managed to perform 21 tricks in one minute including:

1 Pulling a rug off
2 Holding the rug
3 Waving the rug
4 Dropping the rug
5 Nodding the head
6 Shaking the head
7 Sticking the tongue out
8 Smiling
9 Yawning
10 Moving the top lip from side to side
11 Giving a massage
12 Putting his head on Talina’s shoulder
13 Lifting and stretching his leg
14 Turning 180 degrees
15 Turning 180 degrees with one leg up
16 Lifting and bending the front left leg
17Crossing the front legs 18Rearing up
19 Jumping
20 A capriole
21 Hugging

Talina’s and Golden Globe’s achievement are a shining example of how with hard work and dedication, it’s possible to achieve our goals.
Congratulations to Talina and Golden Globe.