Carlos Peña, swimmer with the most kilometers swum in the world in backstroke mode. Extreme swimming. English: Carlos Peña, swimmer with more swum kilometers over the world, backstroke. Extreme open water swimming. peña amb diploma 1 adjuste This world record is one of those special records that are rarely given, it is a tribute to an entire sports career, of a swimmer who also collaborates with humanitarian and solidarity causes all over the world. OWR (Official World Record) certifies that Carlos Peña González de Uriarte (web link) (from Tolosa, Guipúzcoa, Basque Country), has set the world record in number of kilometers swum, in the backstroke modality in extreme swimming 4880,30 Kilometers in 2151 hours and 20 minutes, between the years 1989 to 2015 in different parts of the world (during 56 crossings).

It is not easy to describe the swimmer Carlos Peña, a consummate activist, an amateur athlete with the marks and feats of an elite professional and a person tremendously involved in any action that defends the environment, solidarity and peace. With a special relationship with water and mother nature. Surely we leave other characteristics outside of this definition, but it is quite close to the human profile of this phenomenon. 11 He began as a long-distance athlete in his youth, participating in 3 marathons and winning the San Sebastián Behobia in the Youth category. But due to a serious injury he had to leave it. Since he has always loved the sport, he chose to change discipline and since 1989 he has dedicated himself to extreme swimming in the backstroke modality. Thus, instead of his summer holidays in Lodosa (Navarra) where he loves to spend his free time and have barbecues for friends, he decided to swim in the Ebro and made his first crossing. This is how it began in its beginnings until today.

It is not easy to describe the swimmer Carlos Peña, a consummate activist, an amateur athlete with the marks and feats of an elite professional and a person tremendously involved in any action that defends the environment, solidarity and peace. With a special relationship with water and mother nature. Surely we leave other characteristics outside of this definition, but it is quite close to the human profile of this phenomenon. 11 He began as a long-distance athlete in his youth, participating in 3 marathons and winning the San Sebastián Behobia in the Youth category. But due to a serious injury he had to leave it. Since he has always loved the sport, he chose to change discipline and since 1989 he has dedicated himself to extreme swimming in the backstroke modality. Thus, instead of his summer holidays in Lodosa (Navarra) where he loves to spend his free time and have barbecues for friends, he decided to swim in the Ebro and made his first crossing. This is how it began in its beginnings until today.

Most of the time he has been accompanied by friends and volunteers, on several occasions with the collaboration of local and international organizations and others, less so, by government entities. Always him swimming and his collaborators in marine means of transport (boats, kayak, boats, etc.) that served as logistical and moral support. 21 After 26 years, the swimmer Peña uses the backstroke mode, uses a wetsuit, small homemade fins and the willpower that drives him to overcome incredible challenges: Ríos: Oria, Miño, Sil, Ebro, Sella, Nalón, Neretva, Guadalquivir, etc. Lakes: Titicaca, De Garda, Trasimeno, Chapala, Chiquita, Ness, Maracaibo, etc. And different channels, pools both short and Olympic, etc. Carlos has known several continents, a multitude of countries, different cultures, he has been related to different social strata, such as governors and mayors, with people so modest, but so human that they have put all the little they had at the service of this man, and that yes, wherever he has been, he has been greeted with honors and praise that deserve such feats as he does.

During his career he has helped on different occasions to NGOs and foundations with solidarity challenges to raise awareness among the population, these are: Global Nature Fund (Living Lakes) Peace Mission accompanied by the UN – Bosnia Herzegovina Project for peace in Euskadi, Elkarri Chernobyl Association Elkartea – 20th Anniversary of the Chernobyl Against Malaria Foundation nuclear explosion – Campaign against Malaria Fundraising for those affected by Hurricane Mitch – Hospital construction in Honduras ADMO, Association for the donation of bone marrow and umbilical cord of Extremadura Fundación Josep Carreras against leukemia ADEMGI, Multiple Sclerosis Association of Gipuzkoa GERNA, Group of rare diseases of Navarra Against gender violence Solidarity marathons for different television channels, such as the EITB Group and TV3 Banco de Alimentos de Andalucía ASPANOGI, Association of parents of children oncologists of Gipuzkoa CEAFA, Spanish Confederation of Associations of relatives of people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias.
Hours and hours in the water, the fruit of almost supernatural willpower and a life dedicated to this wonderful sport that he uses to relaunch and spread environmental, social and humanitarian activities. Non-profit, without many times the media prominence that is fair. Carlos nothing, surpasses without competing and once his mission is accomplished, he thanks nature for allowing him once again to have been part of it in pure harmony with the water. Carlos celebrates 26 years always swimming in the same direction, solidarity and collaboration in any cause and 56 crossings made throughout these years.